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Do you have time to share your passions and interests with someone with a learning disability?


Then sign up as a volunteer and join in the funn.

Gig Buddies Eden

A Great Way To Volunteer

The Gig Buddies project is about making sure people with learning disabilities and autistic people get to lead the life they want. 


We match people up with a volunteer who shares the same interests so they can go to “mainstream” events or get fit and healthy as friends!


We work to normalise the idea that disabled people have the right to an ordinary life full of things that matter (friends, dancing, a rich social life…), and being able to Stay Up Late if they want to too!


We are part of a community of different Gig Buddies around the UK and Australia, starting from 2013 in Sussex with Stay Up Late

Anyone can be a gig buddy. 


Gig Buddies and Sports Buddies is for everyone (yes, even you).

You don’t need any prior experience, just the right attitude and a willingness to try something new. 


We want people with learning disabilities and autistic people to have people in their lives who aren’t paid to be there, whilst encouraging everyone to be more active in the things they love doing.  


Your ‘gig’ or ‘sport’ can be whatever you’d like, whether that’s going to actual gigs, the cinema, running, eating out or nature walks. It is all about what you both enjoy.


Let’s make use of what’s already going on in our communities and use this as a way to create connection.


Together we can help battle social isolation and ensure people are reconnected with their local community!

Find out more – About Gig Buddies

Gig Buddies pairs people with a learning disability with volunteers to regularly go to gigs and other events together.
Please read these points before starting:
  • Finding you a Gig Buddy can take time. Volunteers are matched with participants based on factors such as music tastes, hobbies and interests, geographical location and age. The more volunteers we have on file, the more likely we are to find volunteers who can be buddies for our participants. So please continue filling in this form and help us address social isolation for people with a learning disability in Eden, Cumbria.

  • Successful volunteer applicants are asked to commit to the project for at least 12 months and attend at least one gig (or event) a month with their buddy..

  • Volunteers must be at least 18 years old.

Volunteer Application Form

Are you able to commit to an event each month?*


It’s about enabling people with learning disabilities to be part of everyday mainstream culture, including taking part in sport and exercise.


It’s about people with learning disabilities having people in their life who aren’t paid to be there. Just friends who enjoy their company.


It’s about people with learning disabilities being in charge of how they spend their social time, and what time they go home.

Community Life.

It’s about people with learning disabilities being welcomed and loved in their communities and developing the skills and confidence to get more involved.

It's all about friendships.


Gig Buddies is NOT about providing free support or replacing statutory services.


It’s about enabling people with learning disabilities to have people in their lives who aren’t paid to be there.


Through matching people up with a volunteer who commits to at least one gig per month.

Credits: Hani Fauzia Ramadhani & Nada Ibrahim Saleh

What’s the process to start volunteering for Gig Buddies?

  1. You fill in an application form (see above) and email it back to one of the project workers. If we aren’t currently looking for gig buddy volunteers in your area, we’ll keep your application and let you know when a position becomes available.

  2. You’ll be invited to have an informal interview with a project worker, with a chance to ask questions both ways. This normally takes about 45 minutes.

  3. If the interview is successful and we both agree to continue the process you will need to complete a DBS check.

  4. You attend training to get you ready for gig buddying.

  5. Meanwhile, we’ll think about the best match for you as a gig buddy.

  6. We’ll introduce you to your gig buddy, and maybe their carers, family, support workers or friends.

  7. A project worker may come along on your first gig with your buddy to give you both extra support.

  8. The you start volunteering for Gig Buddies – it’s up to you to plan and enjoy fun evenings out with your gig buddy!

  9. The My Community-Penrith team will be on hand to support you when you need it.

It should take you 1 – 3 months to become a buddy.

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