Mental Health Groups
Here is a list of varying groups to help your mental and physical health.
Happy Mums
Happy Mums is a local support group which runs Wednesday Mornings 9.30 to 10.30am.
Up to 20% of women will experience a mental health problem in pregnancy or in the first year after giving birth*
Everyone at Happy Mums has their own experiences of maternal mental health problems, so you can be sure there will be no judgement and a warm welcome.
You can find out more on their website:
Men's Mental health support group. Thursdays 12-1.30 Penrith Library.
Carlisle Eden Mind, we provide a range of mental health services that aim to meet the needs of our local community.
Talking Therapies
Cumbria Talking Therapies, previously known as First Step, is an NHS service.
You can be referred through your GP or By Self referral