Eden Valley SEND Conference
20th March 2024
This event is for Teachers and professionals
Professor Sue Buckley
Founder & CEO
Professor Sue Buckley will be talking about Effective ways to support speech, language and reading development across the curriculum for children with cognitive and language delay including those with autism
Lorna Hutton
Lorna has worked as a speech and language therapist in Cumbria for 30 years. Most of this time has been supporting children and young people with SEND and their families. She now concentrates on providing Makaton training as widely as possible throughout the county.
Find out more on her website: https://www.lornamakatontutor.co.uk
Professor Mahesh Sharma
Mahesh is the founder and President of the Centre for Teaching/Learning of Mathematics; former President & Professor of Mathematics Education at Cambridge College, expert in Dyscalculia.
Jacqui Taylor
CEO 4Eden
Jacqui is the Chief Executive Officer of 4Eden and will be talking to us about sensory overload.
Catherine Burn BEM
CEO Carlisle Mencap
Catherine is the Chief Executive at Carlisle Mencap and accountable for all our services. She has 25 years experience in the commercial, voluntary and community sector.
Catherine will be talking to us about Direct Payments.
Elly Chapple
Founder-Can Do Ella
Elly Chapple is a TEDx speaker, founder of Can Do Ella and #FlipTheNarrative
We will be hearing about inclusion in a School setting, how we all need to #FlipTheNarrative to make the world a better, more inclusive space for all.
Can Do Ella – Exceptional Learning, Lifeskills and Achievement
Julie Paisley- SENDCO
Julie has been involved in the world of SEND since beginning her teaching career in 2001, as a class teacher, SENCO and Headteacher. She currently works in four different primary schools carrying out the SENDCo role.
I enjoy every aspect of my role as SENDCo, from working with the children, to supporting staff and parents and working closely with outside agencies. Having the privilege to be able to watch children flourish within their school through the resources, strategies and interventions that have been put in place to support them is so rewarding and I would not change my job for the world!
One of the aspects of the role I enjoy the most is getting to work alongside professionals from different settings and outside agencies. Being able to share what has worked, exchange ideas and thrash out what has not been so successful means my role is constantly evolving and I am always learning.
We will be adding more information soon
We have a number of speakers lined up as well as information stands available on the day.
Run of the day
11.30 am
Doors open
Refreshments on arrival
Speakers start
These will be in the main conference space
Speakers start
These will be in the main conference space
Makaton Storytime
Event space
Speakers start
These will be in the main conference space
Event Close